Adding Driver for database in Netbeans IDE

How to Add Drivers :

1)Right Click on “Project Name”(pic 1)


2)Select the last option ie.”Properties”.

3)Now a seperate window will be open where you need to select the option “Libraries”.(pic 2)


4)On the right most side option will be shown as “Add jar files and folders”.

5)click there and select the location of jar files on your system.(pic 3)


6)Generally jar files are “DERBY” and”DERBY CLIENT”

7)You need to include both.

8)Generally you can find these drivers in (C:/programs files/sun/javaDB/lib/derby.jar

and  c:/programs files/sun/javaDB/lib/derby client.jar)

9)If you dont have these drivers you have to download it .



10)You can successful use your database in java.